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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in Geometrics (8)



The last few weeks have been busy, with teaching a new class and finishing up proposals for 2011.  I am putting the finishing touches on the last one today and they go in the mail on Monday! Color Kaleidoscope, shown above, is new I will be submitting, in addition to Leaf Collage (previously shown).  As you can see I have finished the left side, complete with the beads.  The total size is 7" X 7" but I do plan to add a border, which will add about another 1/2" to 1". 

For the proposal I sketched in the outline for the second half and then blocked in the colors with two to three layers of water color, followed up with color pencils for definition.   There wasn't enough room to scan the drawing turned on point as I would have liked.....but hopefully you can get the idea. 

This is my interpretation of a 12-point color wheel with the emphasis being on complimentary and analogous colors.  It  has taken 31 threads and beads so far...just to stitch the first half....and I estimate 40 to 45 threads and beads overall.  

I've had a lot of fun designing this project.  Can you begin to pick out the complimentary color patterns? And I know it is might be hard to see, but the beads are in the skinniest, zig zag patterns (green and red-orange).  I really like those flat, square beads. 

Wishing everyone a great week and better weather.



March Threads Kit - WINTER FROST

Announcing the threads kit for March!....better late than never. The last thread order just arrived today to finish up the Winter Frost kits!  Threads included in the kit are Gloriana stranded silk in two shades - Vanilla and Taupe, J. L. Walsh Silk 212 (perle)in a soft gray, several shades of Splendor in off-white and bone, Silk Mori in a soft gray, Sparkle Braid and  Kreinik Braid #4, both in soft golds, and Pearl seed beads 11/0.    

This design works as more than a also look's great framed with an octagonal mat! Please click here for more details on ordering.

Have a great stitching week....Terry

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