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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries from June 1, 2011 - June 30, 2011


SAHARA is finished 

Finished size is approx. 8" X 8"

Sahara is finished and off to the framer today! With the length of time it has taken me to finish this design you might wonder if I didn't like it after all.  Not true!  It has really been fun to design and stitch, but home and family have certainly taken an upper hand these last few months.  

Right after my last entry in early May my husband got sick and it took several doctor visits and multiple medications, but I am happy to say he now seems to be on the mend.  But, during that time I was unable to travel to Ft. Worth for the Color Kaleidoscope Pilot.  The group, let by Melinda Burr, decided to go ahead and have the workshop as scheduled!  Melinda and the group did a fabulous job...... thank you to each of you, with a particular thank you to Melinda for all her time and effort!

We are still moving a little slower around here.....except for Wednesdays.  Tomorrow is our first weekly Wednesday to take care of our new (3 months) grandson all day.....from 6:30am to 6:00 pm.  

Look for a post next week about a few complete Harlequin Hearts kits (includes all threads) and a few remaining Whirlygig complete kits (with threads). For those of you who have Harlequin Hearts on order, they will ship this Friday....June 24th!

Happy stitching,
