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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries from November 1, 2009 - November 30, 2009


A stitched leaf.....

Well, the first leaf....the finally done! The technique used is what I think of as "rustic".  I love the look created with carefully blended silk threads, but do not feel it fits well with the type of textured pieces I tend to design.  I am trying to capture the essence......the colors, texture and movement....of each leaf with a limited number of well-placed stitches.

I used stranded silk thread for this leaf, except for the stem, but I varied the number of strands, with more strands being used for the two oranges. (The background is meant to peek through in places!)

Still to come is some type of openwork stitch for the background around the leaf, but I haven't decided on the stitch yet.  It will definitely be stitched to blend in with the background. 

Now I must set this design aside for a few months while I work on some other designs.  But,  I want to comment on another piece from the past....The Plump Pear!  I have had several inquiries about it recently, and have to admit 've been stalled with it.  But I've had a few suggestions which I plan to incorporate (thank you!) and plan to get back to it.  It isn't abandoned, just resting!

Well, I'm off now to do some online Christmas shopping! Happy Weekend!


Leaf Collage Update II

A few people have checked on me to make sure I'm still here because it has been so long between postings!  When I last posted I was leaving for a few days to teach a workshop and when I returned I realized my studio was just too much of a disorganized mess to continue.  So, among other things I have been doing lots of little reorganization jobs.  It was too much to consider the whole problem as a whole.  The job is certainly not it ever?  But things are back on track and I actually have my worktable back. 


I have been stitching on Leaf Collage and am posting an update here.  I will post one more photo in a day or two and then it will have to be set aside while I stitch on a few more projects.  I promise to continue with the project later!  Since the last update I have completed the "zig zag" vertical band and the frame at the lower right.  The frame is a slanted gobelin variation worked in two colors.  A little finicky to stitch but it certainly gives an interesting effect.  The rust, red and orange area at the top center is new.  I'm calling it a "gingham" stitch but it is stitched on the diagonal instead of the usual straight stitches.  The final new area is the background.  You can just catch the little bit of glitter.  Just enough stitching to integrate the rest of the stitching with the open background.  The last update before the hiatus will be one stitched leaf.

I've also been asked whatever happened to the Plump Pear.  Well, it has stalled a little, but I definitely plan to get back to that too....and will update that project also.  One of the issues is that I have realized I won't be able to kit with several of the threads  I've already used and need to see what is available as substitutes.  When a teacher is thinking in terms of teaching projects, this is always a consideration.

So, many projects in the works but little to show right now.  But keep checking back.  Over the next 3 months I hope to have several projects to show you.

Happy stitching!