PEAR - First Section Finished!

The first section of the pear is finished! The diamonds show up much better now that they are filled in with a mix of thread of which is named Raspberry Custard. Remember, the funny-looking bottom will not be seen when the pear is finished and sitting on a shelf.
Hopefully I will be able to get started on the other sections before I leave for Indian Wells, but if not, stitching will have to wait until my return on September 13th. I don't take stitching with me on teaching trips anymore as there always seems to be so much else to do. There are always meetings for the various organizations, plus the opening and closing banquets, teachers' showcase, merchandise night, etc. And, there is the shop, bookstore and exhibit.....all to see. So much to see and do and all in 8 days.
I purchased a new, very lightweight, suitcase for this trip. I was worried about trying to pack everything into one bag for this length of trip. With the increased charges for overweight bags, I thought it was worth the investment. Today I laid out everything for the trip....and ironed clothes....and it looks like I'll have plenty of room with at least 10 pounds to spare. Hooray! I'll give a report on how the bag worked and held up upon my return.
I won't be taking my computer and don't plan to blog by email, so my next entry won't be for about two weeks. But, if anyone needs to contact me about anything during that time, my email will be checked every day, and you will get a response.
Wishing everyone a great two weeks! And if you are going to Indian Wells, please look me up and say hi! I'd love to see you!.
Reader Comments (1)
I really like this! Can't wait to see more, but have a great time in Indian Wells!