Leaf Collage completed

I am very happy to be able to tell you Leaf Collage is now finished. Right at the end I had to unstitch part of one of the leaves.....because it just wasn't "right". But changing one color to just a shade lighter made all the difference. Anyway, it is now at the framers and is scheduled for pickup on August 16th.
The mats we chose are soft gold for the outer mat and the dark orangey red for the inner mat. The frame is simple soft gold wood with a subtle scroll work pattern. An interesting question arose as to what color to use as the backing......since there is a lot of exposed canvas. We finally decided on Eggshell, the color of the canvas, and not a darker one. I am looking forward to seeing the finished, FINISHED piece!
But now, on to Color Kaleidoscope. I will post something an update photo late next week on this one.
August is almost here already!
Reader Comments (4)
Lovely! I am particularly intrigued by the leaf square borders and how they manage to stand out from the intricate backgrounds. You have mastered much more of color and pattern than I have.
I love the colors!! What a pretty design.
I love it Terry. So nice to see the finished project. One of your best.
Gorgeous! And when might we see this design for teaching or purchase?