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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in Geometric Needlework (31)


New Design: Autumn Arrows

A few months ago I posted about a new Geometric Series stitched primarily with Treenway Natural Dye Threads.  The first one is now stitched....Autumn Arrows.

This design is 5" X 5" and is stitched using Treenway Harmony and Zen Shin threads in four natural-dyed colors, one Stef Francis Silk Perle and one Kreinik Tapestry Braid.  I am working on the instruction book now and hope to have the first kits ready to ship by March 1st.

Now I am off to Callaway Gardens to teach but will begin the second in the series upon my return.  

As I write this most of the country is struggling with extremely cold weather,  so I hope each of you is staying warm!  Even though it has been colder here at night than anyone remembers, we are much warmer than most of you.  Our worry is how many plants we might end up losing due to the prolonged cold.  It looks like this spring we will be looking at choosing different plants to re-plant.  We are also working at keeping the seed feed and hummingbird feeders filled and we are having a lot more visitors!

Just one more note.......9 Mediterranean Squares complete thread kits remain.  


New Geometric Series 

This past month I have begun stitching on a series of three small, 5" X 5", geometric designs.  Many stitchers have requested some small designs and I agree, it is nice to have something small at the ready as a take-along project.  These will be stitched primarily with the new Treenway Silks Natural-Dyes.  I am using Harmony (6-strand silk floss) and Zen Shin (Perle #8 silk) one metallic and one multi-color thread.  Here is the sample card: 

The colors I'm using for this first design are Lemongrass, Fern, Thistle, Tropical Bloom, Tuscan Gold, and probably Red Saffron.  

#1 is inspired by Native American patterns.  Each one will be stitched on 18-count eggshell canvas, but each will be in a different geometric style.....#2 could be based on a Log Cabin pattern and #3 could be waves....but definitely each will have a different "feel.

As you can see above, I am in the process of changing the "arrows" from Red Saffron to Thistle, but some of the Red Saffron still remains....I think the Thistle is much better. Can you see the two smaller squares in the lower right quadrant?  They will be surrounded by the same Milanese variation stitche in the upper left quadrant.  

It's fun to stitch a small piece!  

Check back around Thanksgiving to see the finished project.

Happy Thanksgiving,



New design finished

Way back in December I posted a photo of Baroque Diamonds.  I had finished stitching a little more than one quadrant and assembled a montage of how the finished design would look.  Well, today the stitching is finally complete.  I enjoyed working with this group of colors and threads.....really different than recent ones.  

Starting tomorrow I will finish up stitching the Poppy Trio group. This is another project I last posted about back in December.  Both of these projects can be seen on the 2014 Class Projects exhibit at ANG Anaheim Seminar. 

Hope to see you there.


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