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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in Mediterranean Squares (3)


New Design: Autumn Arrows

A few months ago I posted about a new Geometric Series stitched primarily with Treenway Natural Dye Threads.  The first one is now stitched....Autumn Arrows.

This design is 5" X 5" and is stitched using Treenway Harmony and Zen Shin threads in four natural-dyed colors, one Stef Francis Silk Perle and one Kreinik Tapestry Braid.  I am working on the instruction book now and hope to have the first kits ready to ship by March 1st.

Now I am off to Callaway Gardens to teach but will begin the second in the series upon my return.  

As I write this most of the country is struggling with extremely cold weather,  so I hope each of you is staying warm!  Even though it has been colder here at night than anyone remembers, we are much warmer than most of you.  Our worry is how many plants we might end up losing due to the prolonged cold.  It looks like this spring we will be looking at choosing different plants to re-plant.  We are also working at keeping the seed feed and hummingbird feeders filled and we are having a lot more visitors!

Just one more note.......9 Mediterranean Squares complete thread kits remain.  


Mediterranean Square Thread Kits Now Available

I am happy to announce 24 Mediterranean Squares kits will be ready for shipping on December 18th.  We will ship all kits via USPS Priority, so they are available to arrive in time for Christmas.  

Here is a link to the Mediterranean Squares page:

Two options are available:  You can purchase just the marked canvas and color instruction book OR a complete kit including the marked canvas, color instruction book and complete thread kit with needles...Just add stretcher bars and you are ready to stitch!

If you decide to purchase a kit, and you live in California, please be sure to mark the "sales tax" button.
Thank you and Happy Holidays,


Mediterranean Squares Framed

Well I returned home four days ago, but it certainly took me longer this trip to catch up on everything.  Maybe because the weather was so much hotter than I'm used to......I was in Houston the last few days of my trip and it was 103 when I left and about 68 when I got off the plane in San Francisco.  Now there is a big temperature difference! 

But, even though it was hot I still had a wonderful teaching in Nashville and visiting my dad in Houston.  Of course, it is always glad to return home to hubby, and all the animals (dog, bunny, and turtle).

 While I was gone I received a call from the framer saying Mediterranean Squares was ready early so I was able to pick it up on Thursday and am very happy with the way it turned out.  I certainly can't take credit for the framing choices as he came up with the gold mat and blond frame.  They really show off the stitching.  There is definitely an art and skill in framing. 

Now that I'm home for the next two months and it's time to start to start assembling kits for the next few workshops.  But I will also be working on the next new design so hope to post some palette photos soon.

Wishing everyone a great July 4th weekend, if I'm not back here sooner.