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Entries in Mediterranean Squares (6)


Mediterranean Squares Framed

Well I returned home four days ago, but it certainly took me longer this trip to catch up on everything.  Maybe because the weather was so much hotter than I'm used to......I was in Houston the last few days of my trip and it was 103 when I left and about 68 when I got off the plane in San Francisco.  Now there is a big temperature difference! 

But, even though it was hot I still had a wonderful teaching in Nashville and visiting my dad in Houston.  Of course, it is always glad to return home to hubby, and all the animals (dog, bunny, and turtle).

 While I was gone I received a call from the framer saying Mediterranean Squares was ready early so I was able to pick it up on Thursday and am very happy with the way it turned out.  I certainly can't take credit for the framing choices as he came up with the gold mat and blond frame.  They really show off the stitching.  There is definitely an art and skill in framing. 

Now that I'm home for the next two months and it's time to start to start assembling kits for the next few workshops.  But I will also be working on the next new design so hope to post some palette photos soon.

Wishing everyone a great July 4th weekend, if I'm not back here sooner.


Mediterranean Squares Finished!

Well, Mediterranean Squares is finally finished and on its way to the framers!  It took a bit longer than anticipated to finish the three rows of border but think it really sets off the design.  The finished size is 9-3/4" square. 

Now on to stitching Tropical Jazz.  I posted sketches of that design several months ago.  It is another project which must be ready for exhibit at the ANG seminar coming up in Milwaukee.  I'll post a few updates as I go. 

If you are thinking the webpage appears a little different but can't quite think what has is the banner.  Thought it was about time for something different!  Hope you like it.

Wishing everyone a great stitching week!



Another Mediterranean Squares Update

I have been hearing about snow and lot's of rain in other parts of the country but is beautiful.  No fog and 69 degrees.  I'm inside today but hoping for a nice today tomorrow for a trip to Stow Lake to see the baby Herons.  Stow Lake is in Golden Gate Park so it's only about 2 miles from me.  Everyone should be back in school  (after spring break) so it should be rather quiet over there.  This little lake also has pedal and electric boats or rent.....if you get out this way. 


But back to the update for the Mediterranean Squares........ I have been stitching on it most evenings but you are probably surprised at how little I have to show for it.   It seems I put in three threads and take out one, then add two more.  So things do move slowly.  I have decided the darkest red in the partial square at right is too dark, so it's coming out tonight and a slightly lighter red is going in there. I like the way the square, at the lower right, turned out....and it went pretty much according to plan. Oh, but I almost forgot, I've ordered a replacement thread for the row square single row of Mosaic stitches in the small center the white just seems to bright now.  Sometimes it takes almost to the end before little items like this show up!

So, as you can see, this will almost finish up the larger squares.  Then there are three small squares to finish and the border. 

I will be away on a teaching trip from April 24 to 30th so I won't be making a blog entry during that time, nor taking my stitching with me, so will resume stitching soon after my return. 

Hope to see you here around the 1st of May.


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