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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in Needlepoint (33)


Summertime Stitching

Recently I was teaching at the EGA GPR seminar in Reno and a student brought her finished Shorebird Avocet project for me to see.  She had finished it to hang from a pretty twisted cord and it was so cute!  Lots of us have someplace in our homes with a seashore theme (a seashell collection?).  Easy to take on a trip.  Here is a picture of the kit choices and a link to the page:  

Update:  The new colorway of Casbah is coming along and a photo should be available no later than August 15th.  The design is also being enlarged and is growing from 5-1/2" square to 7" square.  

The second in the mini geometric series has been delayed, but I am working on it and photo of it should be available by October 15th.  

We have been spending lots of time adding complete - ready to go- kits of many retired designs.  I am happy to say they are popular and we are slowly building up the availability.  I just added an update under each "Design and Kits for Sale" column the number of kits available.  If there is no number listed and you want one of those kits, please send me an email.

Happy stitching.



Mediterranean Square Thread Kits Now Available

I am happy to announce 24 Mediterranean Squares kits will be ready for shipping on December 18th.  We will ship all kits via USPS Priority, so they are available to arrive in time for Christmas.  

Here is a link to the Mediterranean Squares page:

Two options are available:  You can purchase just the marked canvas and color instruction book OR a complete kit including the marked canvas, color instruction book and complete thread kit with needles...Just add stretcher bars and you are ready to stitch!

If you decide to purchase a kit, and you live in California, please be sure to mark the "sales tax" button.
Thank you and Happy Holidays,


A trio of Poppies 

For the last few weeks I have been stitching on three little 3" square Iceland Poppies entitled Poppy Trio.  This trio will be offered at the 2014 ANG Seminar.  Of course they took me longer than I had planned....but each flower needed to be handled a little differently.  The designs all begin with a transfer design created from an original water sketch which is then ironed onto the canvas.     The background stitching is all very open and chosen to show off the "sketched" flowers.   I also tried different border ideas and ways of stitching the flower centers so students will have stitching options.  

I was happy to finally get them to the framer today and we decided to use the same frame and matting for each, but they would also look nice all framed together.  

My next few projects will be a series of three small geometric designs, approximately 5 inches square.  They will be primarilty stitched with some new Treenway silk threads.  The first design's planned completion date is November 1st, so look for an update in mid September.  
