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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in Needlework Teacher (4)


My Etsy Needlework Shop Now Open


Effective July 7, 2016 my shop is now located on ETSY at TERRYDRYDENDESIGNS. I think you will like it. Everything is there PLUS closeup photos and more.  Just click here to take you there.

My Teaching Portfolio, with photos and workshop details, Teaching Schedule, and Blog will continue here!

I also want to remind everyone that several of my designs are available to groups wishing to facilitate their own one-time, or year-long projects!  Please contact me for details!



Tiebele Nights Alternate Colorway

The time is near for those final class choices at ANG Seminar in Anaheim!!  I will be teaching three new projects, but only one has a choice of colorways.....Tiebele Nights.  Two pilot stitchers are stitching the project in the alternate earthtone colors and I hope to be able to publish a photo by the end of April.  In the interim here is a photo of the threads in the alternate kit.  There are also square and bugle beads yet to be chosen. Tomorrow the pilot stitchers will be choosing them from a collection I have assembled.  


Please send me a note if you have any questions about any of my ANG Seminar classes on offer:  Summer Garden Collage, Pear Duet and Tiebele Nights.


Created: a new lecture

About a year ago my friend Helen asked if I would create a lecture on my design process to present to our guild. This is not something I had previously considered, but agreed nonetheless.  The process to develop this lecture was a journey.

Of course I knew I had a "process" but it was not something I had ever taken time to break down into steps. Needless to say I learned a lot along the way and I hope some of the "design process" steps I talk about in this new lecture will be of help to students as they develop their own design skills.   Two specific projects are used to illustrate the "steps", but the projects now used will probably change as I create new designs.

The lecture is approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour, plus additional time for questions from the audience.  There is a color handout for each person to take home.  (No computer or electronic devices are required for the presentation).

Please contact me (go to CONTACT ME page) if you would like further information.