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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in Pilot Classes (5)


Planning New Designs, Harlequin Hearts Pilot Workshop

This is a busy time of year for many of us! If you have childen at home, or grandchildren, there are always lots of activities to attend at this time:  sports finals, dance recitals, graduations, etc. etc.  Well, needlework teaching is very similar: pilots for this year's seminar classes to prepare and teach, spring workshops, and new designs to start working on for proposals early next year.  This last few weeks I've been working on the first two items and thinking about the third.  That's usually the way I begin.  Here is a photo of the design bin which is furtherest this time.   Things could change overnight if I become really attached to an idea for one of the other two.  

CrazySquares1You can see there are some or all of the following in the bin:  rough sketches of my design ideas along with clippings of interesting bits from magazines, photos and the internet, threads, ribbons, beads, paints, sequins, fleece, Misty Fuse or whatever else could even remotely end up being used for it.  Sometimes adding items to the collection will prompt new ideas.....or I might move something from one design to another.  Such as if I decide using Misty Fuse for this project won't work but will add much to another design instead. 

I'll update as things progress.  But probably you'll see the other two bins appear before there is an update on this one.  One never knows. 

eugenecDuring the last thirty days I have been in Ohio and Oregon teaching three workshops and had a wonderful time with each group.  It is always so interesting to meet, and have a chance to chat with, all the friendly stitchers.   eugenea

The Willamette ANG of Eugene, Oregon kindly sent photos of the Harlequin Hearts pilot which appeared in their April 08 newsletter.  Just look at this wonderful workshop space provided by Elizabeth B.  The outside is just as inviting, placed in such a quiet, wooded setting.  Thanks for sharing!  And my thanks to each guild for your great hospitality.





Am I the only person who feels like they are always behind?  I keep my planner up to date and check things off, but still there are always these other interesting things that get me FiberArts/MixedMedia I just joined.  Its is such a great site with so many inspiring photos of other fiber and mixed media artists works.  I spent several hours on it and barely made a dent.  

Since last week I have also begun working on something that has interested me for sometime.....stitch magnets that are cute AND hold my laying tool, needles, and possibly scissors.  These shown below are constructed of various combinations of chipboard buttons, sequins and buttons. They all will have those really strong earth magnets on the back.  These were not designed to hold scissors but the larger ones will definitely hold a laying tool.  I just received an order for some paper clay to experiment with for fun magnets to hold the scissors.  Will post photos when I have something worth showing.  

Yesterday I taught the first day of a pilot class for Stripes Galore and that was fun.  It always takes many hours for me to get ready for a pilot though.  For those of you who might not be familiar with pilot classes, they are basically a "practice class".  The students give feedback on the the written instructions, the diagrams, the length of time allowed for each section of the design, the amount of materials included in the kit and other less tangible things.....all of which greatly help to make future classes successful. 

So, to get back to where I began....I accomplished a fair amount but still have a lot of "un-done" items on my planner pages with NO CHECK MARKS BY THEM. the important part.....FREE DRAWING: 

On February 23rd (my birthday) I will have a drawing for an INSTRUCTION BOOK AND CANVAS KIT....the winner's choice of any design listed under DESIGNS, ETC ONLINE CATALOG.  I will draw one or more names, depending on how many comments I get.   All you need to do is leave a comment on this post with your kit preference between now and midnight on February 22nd and I'll draw a name(s) on February 23rd.   

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