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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in Thread Kits (11)




Each kit includes all the threads, ribbons, and needles, etc. required to stitch the design. All you'll need to add are stretcher bars.   HYDRANGEA WINDOW GARDEN was published in the ANG magazine Needle Pointers.  So if you are a member of ANG you might already have the instructions.  Otherwise the instruction book and a canvas with the design already drawn is available here.  If you have the instructions but don't want to mark your own canvas, just drop me a line. 

This is a small design, just 5-5/8" square, but incorporates several interesting techniques. Follow this link for more information.

I will be away on a teaching trip for the next week but will be checking my email.   So look for updates around Friday the 13th!


January Threads Kit: MONET'S GARDEN

Welcome to 2009!  I must say I was glad to see the last of 2008 but optimism rules for this new year.  And to start off 2009 I will be adding a few thread kits each month for a currently available design.  I've had several requests lately for complete stitching kits.  It can be time consuming and expensive to collect the supplies from several different places and with the cost of shipping.....well....seemed like a good idea.

So. the January kit is Monet's Garden Oval Box.  Click on the link for all the details!

Each kit will include all the threads, ribbons, beads, needles, etc. required to stitch the design.  All you'll  need to add are stretcher bars before sitting down to stitch in your favorite stitching spot. 

I have a tentative schedule of when I will add kits (click here to see all currently available designs), but if anyone has a particular favorite and would be interested in it if the thread kit were available, please let me know.  I will look at the requests I receive and revise the release schedule if possible.   

Here's to lots of stitching time in 2009! 


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