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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in Thread Kits (11)


Wild Roses Oval Box

In my last entry I was preparing to teach my new guild class featuring Leslie Riley's Transfer Artist Paper, a Ginkgo leaf and a California Poppy.  Well the class was this past Monday night and I'm happy to say everything went well!  Everyone in the class transferred two designs onto separate canvases, and all the transferred designs came out perfect and ready for stitching. 

It is exciting to think of all the possibilities.  I am looking forward to experimenting further.  

But as indicated by the title of this entry I am retiring the Wild Roses Oval Box from my teaching portfolio and will be adding it to Designs and Kits for sale on June 15th.   I will also make up a few thread kits at the same time. 

My last item for today is to let you know I will be removing Moroccan Sands from my Teaching Portfolio for about two years as it has just been chosen to be an upcoming ANG Cyber Workshop.  It will be awhile as it is scheduled for late 2011.  After the Cyber Workshop has concluded it will be moved to Designs and Kits for sale. 

Wishing all of you a happy Mother's Day and time to stitch! 




May Thread Kit - Whirlygig

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.  Mine actually was celebrated over two days because of my daughters' work schedules.....both Saturday and Sunday.  Everyone is so busy all the time, so it was good to be able to spend time with each of them.  Now, to find time for all of us to get together is the next big challenge.  


Now, here it is the middle of the month already and I'm just now posting the thread kit for May:  Whirlygig!  There are only a few of the thread kits available.  Also, for those of you who have been thinking about the Winter Frost Purse, there is only one thread kit left.  Click here for more the description on Whirlygig and here for Winter Frost

I also have a problem and I'm hoping someone knows of a gray permanent marked with a fine to very fine tip suitable for marking canvases.  I currently use a Pilot SCA-UF black fine point marker for some of the canvases and a Quilter's Pencil for others.  But, during the recent Flower Diamonds pilot some students had some problems with smearing on the very light color (yellow) threads.  So I'm thinking a medium gray might be the solution.  But, I went to Dick Blick's and couldn't find anything.  I've looked online also, but no luck so far.  Any suggestions?

And thank you Jan for your ideas on wearable items.  If anyone has ideas for wearable or household items, I'd love to hear those also. 

Have a great week.



March Threads Kit - WINTER FROST

Announcing the threads kit for March!....better late than never. The last thread order just arrived today to finish up the Winter Frost kits!  Threads included in the kit are Gloriana stranded silk in two shades - Vanilla and Taupe, J. L. Walsh Silk 212 (perle)in a soft gray, several shades of Splendor in off-white and bone, Silk Mori in a soft gray, Sparkle Braid and  Kreinik Braid #4, both in soft golds, and Pearl seed beads 11/0.    

This design works as more than a also look's great framed with an octagonal mat! Please click here for more details on ordering.

Have a great stitching week....Terry