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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in Tropical Jazz (5)



I am sure you have heard similar stories from other teachers/designers before, so you probably won't be surprised to hear I am having problems with obtaining supplies for Tropical Jazz.  It is a design that has been around for almost 5 years and is still requested a lot, but I am now having trouble getting the original embellishments. The stitching threads are all still available, but not the trims and some of the beads.  Among other things the design started with a flat braid with attached sequins and it was available in several different colors.  When they were discontinued I bought up any supplies I could find, but now..... all gone.  Here are several threads and a trim I have found to use instead.  Painter's Thread Ric Rac Can you see where they will be used?  The Ric Rac can be couched down in place of the sequined braid.  The Silk Boucle can be used instead of the Rayon 3-ply thread that as been ruched.  And, the Metallic Braid can be couched as is, or stranded, as you can see below and used added to other threads.

     Painter's Thread metallic braid               Stef Francis silk boucle 












Now the final item that is no longer available, that I am able to determine, are the resin beads used in two areas in the original design.  I am now preparing for two February workshops that will use up final supply of these resin beads. So after these are finished, I will no longer be offering complete thread kits.  Beginning March 1st, marked canvases, instruction books, and the basic thread kits will be available here......just no beads or embellishment kits. If I have any embellishment kits remaining after these last two workshops I will post them on the Tropical Jazz page here. 

It is interesting when one looks at the evolution of a design and it does seem that 5 years is about the average for availability of materials if anything other than our group of "core" threads is used.  Of course, other new things come is evidenced by the new threads shown above, so we must learn to be flexible and just think of designs as "Revisited".


Finished Student Project Photos

I have recently received photos of two beautiful finished projects that I want to share with you.  This Safari tote was stitched by Leigh Miller.  Leigh is the owner of Needle Bug in Montgomery, Alabama.  I had a wonderful time visiting her shop and teach Safari a few years ago.  Great job Leigh......I love the style of tote bag.

And the beautiful Tropical Jazz tote bag below was stitched by Susan Deshensky.  Susan just won a 2nd place ribbon for her stitching at this year's NAN.  I love the combination of fabric colors used for the tote bag  finishing and I wish you could see all the additional beading she added.  It looks super.....congratulations! 

Thank you for sharing your finished projects.



It's been awhile since I last posted.   On the one hand you might think I have not been doing anything because I haven't posted photos of anything I'm working on, but on the other hand, lots going on, just nothing very exciting to take photos of...........

There are thread supplies everywhere as  there are 5 workshops to get ready for between now and the end of August.  Finally yesterday, I just sat down and started filling over a hundred of my little drawstring bags with threads..........just so I could walk through the studio.  Whew...I feel a lot better.  Also, one instruction book is edited and printed with only two more to edit and print.  A friend is coming over for the day tomorrow to help me make up Harlequin Hearts there is a good friend! 

But I do have a photo to post after all.  Tropical Jazz is back from the finisher.  Now I have to decide if I want to add more of the smallest beads around the top edge.  Maybe you can see them on the left side, threaded in with the large tubular resin beads.  There are flat square beads in blue and green and some Miyuki cube beads.  I'll probably need to live with it for a few days before I decide. 

The best way to describe the fabric is very like a very fine corduroy.  I think it is a cotton blend and the cording is cotton also.  The finisher add the quilting (it doesn't come that way). The inside lining is similar in color to the inside (soft pale blue) of the four large diamonds on the left side.....also cotton.  Of course, this bag, with all the embellishments, can't be washed but hopefully it will hold up to a little spot cleaning.  (I really do hope to use it after it has officially retired from teaching.

Now I'm taking off for the evening but will return sooner, rather than later this time, with bead update.

Have a great week!