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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries from December 1, 2007 - December 31, 2007



I have been stitching this week and making the final stitch, color and thread least for the center section of FlowerDiam3Flower Diamonds.  I will  still be using different combinations of the existing color and thread palette but the same stitches.  But, there are still a few threads and beads yet to be used.  The center section only is shown. 

I have applied Size 8 beads to one side edge but not the other.  The sparkle of the beads is not really evident in the photo but shows up well in person.  Each band (where the beads are applied) will be a different combination of colors and beads. 

Also added since the last update is the "rose" on the left side.  It is stitching using silk 4mm ribbon.   I have one more style of flower to add to the design.  There are 9 flowers in all, and future students will have the choice of which 4 (out of the 5) they wish to stitch again in different colors and threads.

Wishing everyone Happy New Year!




It's always exciting to receive something back from the finisher, whether it be framing or pillows, or whatever.  And, particularly with framing we usually end up with something different than I had a vague image of.  I'm lucky to have a great framer within a mile of my home.  Anyway, the frame and mat colors used for Safari  were entirely the framer's suggestions and I think they really set off the design.  Hope you like it!  (A previous entry shows the piece before framing).




Time just seems to fly.  It has been one month today that I posted the first picture of the Flower Diamonds color palette.  I was able to get back to stitching about a week ago and the threads have changed a little, but not as much as generally happens.  I have eliminated a few hand-dyed threads with multiple strong colors...too busy for this design... but have added two muted over-dyes.  Also eliminated are a few shiny metallics.   

There has been a little "unstitching"to get to this point.  No matter how much planning I do, the threads just have to be stitched to see exactly how they interact.  

I'll try to take a picture again in about a week to show progress.  As you might have guessed, I am working to complete the center element  and then extending to the element on either side with some variations of color on each.  This method of moving back and forth between the areas of the design generally works well for me.  

Just a note about what this design is going to be:  It can either be a long skinny pillow...such as a back/lumar pillow or as I have planned.....a neck roll pillow with added floral or striped fabric at the ends.