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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries from December 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008


Merry Christmas



The stockings you see hung over the fireplace with care were stitched about 25 years ago by my mother, Lorraine Hickman.  She also stitched stockings for both of our daughters, Ashley and McCall, but they have taken them to hang up in their own homes.   We always look forward to seeing all the other ornaments she made for us each year and remember the Christmases when we received each of them. 

Take care and be safe over the holidays.

Terry and Dwain Dryden



Bargello Button Debut

I have spent part of the last two days getting the Bargello Button project ready for its debut. Everything is set, or on order, and the first kits will be ready to ship within 10 days. I hope to make this the first of several and will be very glad to hear what everyone thinks about it. You have certainly read enough about it I'm sure....and wondered when I would ever finish! it is with a link to its new page.


I've also been talking about making the instruction book 1/2 size and binding it with the Zutter Bind-it-All and above is the result. It fits just perfectly in the tote bag which comes with the kit and has a firm back to set in your lap while stitching (sports practice, dance classes, waiting for the plane???, etc).



Painting the Shorebird

I have been finishing up the Bargello/Beginning Needlepoint Project this week and it now has its official name:  Bargello Button.  It will be added to the website next week.  All that is left is to decide on the final binding for the instruction book.  I was able to borrow my daughter's Zutter Bind-it-all, but she didn't have any wire.  But she was able to find some more of the great button I used for the center of the design.  So the wire was duly ordered and arrived yesterday.  Now I can practice with this new machine (for me) and get a few instruction books ready for next week.   I really like the new small format and am anxious to hear what people think.  I'll post a few pages when it's done.  


The last few days I've been working on painting the Shorebird canvas.  I posted the sketch on my last blog entry.  I didn't want it to be solid colors but more of a colorwashed effect, so i used Luminarte's Primary Elements Polished Pigments for the sky/water and sand dunes.  I mixed two colors together for the sky/water and then added a third color for the horizon.  I also mixed two colors together for the sand dunes. The pigments are mixed with Simple Solutions #1, which is for fabric.  But, yes, it still needs to be heat set. 


However I first used Copic Ciao markers and Fabric markers to indicate the California Poppies and clover.  Then I heat set the canvas with the iron on the highest setting for a few minutes. 

Much of the canvas will only be partially covered with stitching so the uneven watercolor effect was what I was going for.  The Avocet himself (or her?) will be stitched with solid blocks of pattern in each of the three main areas on the body.   


If anyone wants more details on technique, the pigment colors, marker colors, brushes used, etc, please contact me. 

Now....... that's cleaned up and next to work on coloring those knitting yarns I keep talking about.  I'm really looking forward to it! The collection of threads for this next project has really been growing in the last few weeks.  I found three additional threads this week at the new card and gift shop which just opened in a shopping center close to me......great ribbons.  However, these are more woven thread than ribbon and have metallic in them and sequins sewn on every inch or so.  Very fun!  Finding new and different threads and such is what really gets me enthused!

So here is wishing everyone good holiday shopping, or baking, or tree decorating  (that's us) this weekend.