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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in New Techniques (16)



I have been working on the drawing for Pear Duet for awhile.  I did several sketches and tried out different combinations of water-soluble pencils to paint the design.  There are about 5 or 6 layers of water-soluble colored pencil used for each area, then just a little water is needed to dissolve the pigment.  I just finished the pears and copied the design to Transfer Artist Paper (by Leslie Riley) which I will then irone on to 18-count canvas in the same manner as Leaf Collage.    

To create the background framework I will use a "string" pattern such as that used to a framework for a Zentangle (see my other blog:  

Tomorrow and Monday I plan to pull a palette of threads to "audition" from my stash.  I will post again when I have most of the first pear stitched to show what I have in mind.  



Next step? combining Zentangle and stitching

 I keep looking for ways to combine Zentangle and stitching.  And several needlework groups have already asked for short, introductory workshops on Zentangle as many of the tangle patterns do make connections with needlework stitches and patterns.  So, yesterday, while I was demonstrating how to add color to tangle patterns I thought it might be fun to share some of them with readers of this blog.


This Zentangle was colored with Inktense Watercolor pencils and water





This one was colored with blended Tombow markers.

And this one was drawn on muslin and then colored with Fabrico Markers.  So, if you begin to see something similar to any of the above in some of my new designs, you will know why!  And I am working on a new design and will have enough stitched to post next week.

Last but not least....ONLY ONE EACH of Whirlygig and Images of India complete kits (including threads) remain.




Sahara Update

I have actually made more progress toward Sahara than it might appear! The right and left outside panels are almost complete.  You can see the underlying stitching and when they are complete the next step is some both cases this means couching.  Only four sections remain with no stitching.  But the threads are mostly chosen and only the bead choices are left.  I have found some more beads to choose from, so should be fun!  

Sahara needs to be finished by around June 1st to go to the finisher so I will have another update shortly.

Grandbaby Gabriel is doing well and we are enjoying him........a lot!

Happy Mother's Day!  
