New Studio Workspace Wall

Just yesterday I finally finished finding new homes for everything in the shelving unit and work table wall. Took a little doing...and of course things needed to be sorted through and reorganized. This wall is for all my needlework and other media books, etc. and mixed media supplies. The other wall, which is stricting threads and needlework supplies, is yet to be redone.
The shelving unit is the largest Expedit from Ikea. The table top attaches to it any where along the width, so I can change my mind about its location. We also got two spots and a table lamp for my computer table. But, my favorite is my new work chair. It looks cool and is really comfortable.
I've been using the work table for about a week and it's a good size for one project at 30" X 40". Now all we need (for now) is the slightly smaller Expedit shelving unit for the other wall (to replace the existing shelves) and several bins which just fit the cubicles. Then more organizing of course.
This Friday through Sunday is our first Creative Stitchers Retreat! I have been finishing up a few special items for it and am really looking forward to it! But before that can happen my daughter and her husband are moving Wednesday. We are not helping them this time on their actual "move day" but we will be driving up to Santa Rosa (about 60 miles away) the next day to help unpack. They have been living about 5 miles away for a few years now. It will be really hard to get used to having them further away, but I know they will like the climate much better....Pacifica is very foggy! Also, several of their good friends live close by.
I am back to stitching after a few weeks of working of kit preparation. Three pieces are going to the framers tomorrow!! Then back to the Bargello Pear and planning for a new geometric design.
I hope to post photos from the retreat early next week. Have a great week!