New design - stitching begins

This past week had lots going on....but sometimes this can be a good thing. We had our first guild meeting since June so it was fun to catch up with everyone. And my husband and I had a chance to have lunch with our older daughter and son-in-law and had a great time.
But that means things in the studio kept piling up and it's now a big mess with the supplies for lots of individual projects covering every available surface. But at least I have plans to get it all straightened out....the first step!
But I did complete a few things. I marked all the canvases for an upcoming that is great! But I had to move back to the dining room table to mark them as there was no flat surface big enough in the studio.
And, I stitched each evening on the new design. As you can see I have started with (generally) the top two layers. For this design it seems the best approach is to work with lightest teals and greens first. So these are now in. Step two is two stitch the areas with the lightest/brightest gold and orange shades. The first small band is almost done.
I have been continuing to experiment with the best combination of markers for the background and think I'm about ready to take the plunge and color it in. You can see where the background color will be blocked in by referring back to the scan of the original sketch (posted a little over a week ago. The small narrow band inside the picture frame in the center of the photo is what I've decided to work toward. It's a tricky color as it appears slightly green when stitched (next to greens), but it is really a dark indigo blue thread. At this point I plan to use three different markers and four passes of marker to approximate of color.
Major goal for this week: finish the instruction book for the upcoming pilot and start putting together the thread kits.
And stitching continues....