Taking a break to move

Well, it's getting close to the ANG seminar in Columbus. I will arrive late this Thursday evening and will be there until the following Saturday afternoon. So if you are also attending, have a great time, and I look forward to seeing many of you!
Upon my return from seminar, interspersed with the "normal" I must begin packing for our move. Yes, it is finally near....we have been talking about it forever (it seems)! We are scheduled to close escrow on Monday. Don't want to say more until it is officially "done"! But we are planning to move around December, so.......I won't be able to fill orders from November 1st until January 1s (possibly the 15th). We have lived in our current house for 22 years, so we're certainly not looking forward to the moving part!
I am working on a new design, just picking threads, beads and markers now, and will begin stitching upon my return, so some photos will follow around the end of October.
Wishing everyone a great month!