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Entries in African designs (2)


African Images is finished

I'm happy to post a photo of my latest design, African Images.  It has layers of Copic marker, stenciled leaves, funky feathers, nests with beads (eggs) and lots of interesting threads.  It will be on display at ANG Myrtle Beach at the end of August, but I will not teach it until ANG New Orleans in 2016.  After that it will be available for workshops.  I hope you like it!


New African inspired design

Here is  a scan of the second of three new designs I am working on.....

Hopefully you can see the 4-way/symmetrical design emerging.  The X element at the center bottom of the design will be at the four points of the diamond.  This element includes 8 rose/red bugle beads, 8 blue bugle beads and one 8mm flat square bead. I have also used Copic markers, again, this time to surround the center diamond composite pattern.  Over the marker there is some light stitching to let the canvas show through. The overall design size without the narrow border (shown in pencil) is 5-1/2 inches square.  

I am anxious to return to stitching it as all seven of the design areas are all set as far as thread colors and stitches, so all that remains is enjoyable more "un-stitching" to work out the design issues.

Only one problem remains......I still can't come up with a name for the design.  If you have any suggestions, please drop me a line.

Now on to design #3!