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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in PEAR DUET (2)


New designs on display in Philadelphia

Well, the ANG 40th Anniversary begins this Friday.  I will be flying to Philadelphia that day and there for 8 days.  I hope many of you are getting to attend this year.....if so, please stop and say hello!

My three new designs, recently discussed in this blog, will be on display in the Anaheim 2013 display. I always look forward to seeing all the wonderful projects that will be available the next year.  Even though the photos are very good in the brochure, they just can't capture the three dimensional quality of the needlework.  Be sure to stop by the exhibit if you are in attendance.  

Last but not least, Summer Garden Collage, Tiebele Nights and Pear Duet are now added to my Teaching Portfolio pages.   


Pear Duet

Pear Duet is finally finished and off to the framer!! This finishes up new designs for 2013.  I am taking a week or two off from stitching and then I will begin work on 2014 designs.  I have rough sketches, thread samples, beads, and lots of tabbed pages at the ready.  It is always fun to see what actually emerges.  

But now it is time to collect everything that needs to travel with me to the ANG 40th anniversary seminar in Philadelphia.  I hope to see each of you there.  Have fun!