I returned home from a great teaching weekend to St. Louis. It was my first time to visit so my great hostess, Susan, took me for drives at the end of both workshop days. It was so much fun to see so many things, particularly the Arch (I was absolutely amazed it is so big). It is so true you really have to see things in person to really get the true picture!
But, I did miss my daughter's 30th birthday so we had a fun outing this past Tuesday after I arrived back at home. San Francisco's new California Academy of Sciences just re-opened in late September. You may have heard about it and it's living room. it's interesting that you can actually visit the roof for a close up view and also a great view of the surrounding hills. I have included photos of the enclosed four story "atrium" which is the home to all types of rainforest animals. One enters at the "forest floor" and then begins walking around the perimeter and gradually reaches the "forest canopy". Wonderful. The second photo is of a beautiful orchid wall.

Of course there are many other interesting features including an absolutely huge living reef which is two or three levels high and of course, a penquin colony.
It is well worth the visit if you come to San Francisco.
It usually takes me a few days to return to stitching when I have been away but I have been busy on my new Squares design and plan to post an update tomorrow. There are two shows on tv tonight which I watch when in town....and that also means an evening of stitching.
So, see you tomorrow, or if not, wishing everyone a great weekend....and weather.