Stitchers Retreat Report

I am happy to report our first Stitchers Retreat was fun and relaxing...a great success. Everyone appeared to enjoy the entire experience from the lovely hotel and great food to just chatting with old and new friends to working on new projects or getting help with current ones. (Those bright green bags are the Goody Bags full of cool stuff). We are set to do it again February 27 - March 2. I will post more detailed information by December 1st.
But sorry to say I didn't take many pictures. Good intentions though. I've posted one of our stitching room for the day. We were hoping to have our lunch out in the courtyard, but would you believe it, it rained. We haven't had rain for months. But no one was really complaining as we definitely needed it! But here is a picture looking out into the courtyard. Maybe next time. After all, doesn't really get too cold here in February compared to most places.
I got back to Pear stitching during the retreat and really hope to get a lot of stitching done this month. But one of the retreat participants suggested I use scrap canvas to stitch up a finishing template. Good idea. So hopefully I can get that done this week....just to make sure the three sections of pear will fit together the way I envision. It definitely be better to work out the bugs beforehand instead of on the stitched canvas.
Now, for the next week, I will be busy finishing up kits for two upcoming teaching trips over the next 3 weeks. It's really nice to be working away in my newly redone stitching room. In the latest issue of Studios by Quilting Arts Magazine, the Expedit (Ikea)shelving I used is shown, but there are also many other great storage and organizational ideas.
Will be back soon, hopefully with stitching photos updates.