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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in WILD ROSES (6)


Wild Roses Oval Box

In my last entry I was preparing to teach my new guild class featuring Leslie Riley's Transfer Artist Paper, a Ginkgo leaf and a California Poppy.  Well the class was this past Monday night and I'm happy to say everything went well!  Everyone in the class transferred two designs onto separate canvases, and all the transferred designs came out perfect and ready for stitching. 

It is exciting to think of all the possibilities.  I am looking forward to experimenting further.  

But as indicated by the title of this entry I am retiring the Wild Roses Oval Box from my teaching portfolio and will be adding it to Designs and Kits for sale on June 15th.   I will also make up a few thread kits at the same time. 

My last item for today is to let you know I will be removing Moroccan Sands from my Teaching Portfolio for about two years as it has just been chosen to be an upcoming ANG Cyber Workshop.  It will be awhile as it is scheduled for late 2011.  After the Cyber Workshop has concluded it will be moved to Designs and Kits for sale. 

Wishing all of you a happy Mother's Day and time to stitch! 




Writing Instruction Books

Since I sent off my proposals of new designs I have moved on to writing an instruction for an upcoming pilot for another new design.   For those not familiar with the process, a new design chosen for a seminar needs a pilot class.  A pilot class is usually comprised of between 8 and 20 students.  Most of the time my pilots are a combination of an actual class and a few ghost or away stitchers (as I call them).  Every teacher seems to handle their pilots in a different way.

The class time is about the same as it will be at seminar and therefore helps me to refine the schedule.  I get a chance to see how the written instructions work for the cross section of stitchers and make immediate changes.  And the stitchers have a chance to offer input and tell me what they like to see in an instruction book.  It really is an interesting process. 

Wild Roses Oval Box is the current project (shown above) and then there is one more pilot for this year: Flower Diamonds, to be taught in April.

In the spring I will be scheduling any pilots for next year and will post the information here.   So, if this sounds like something you think your guild might like to do, or you would like further information now, please contact me. 

Have a great weekend!



Creating Proposals

Its been a while since I wrote but this is the time to present proposals for future seminars. So since this is what I've been doing for thelast two weeks I thought it might be interesting to some to talk about what goes into a proposal....or mine at least.

Here'sa quick page by page; cover photo, proposal form (outline), detail photos, thread cards, stitch legend,kit contents, class objectives, class description, lesson plan, bio, resume.All of these pages are presented in a binder containing plastic sleeves.As you can see there is a bit involved. But the selection committees don't have the actual piece in front of them so they need all of the above to help get the feel or concept of each design. And they are looking at lots of proposals!

Here are a few examples of pages from this year and last:



The class description page is what you see in catalogs describing the classes, the class objectives is similar but directed more to the committee trying to evaluate each proposal and the lesson plan is just as stated.....a schedule for presenting the material.  The kit contents is a detailed list of everything in your goody bag and the basis of the class cost.  

But, now they're in the mail.  As we were packing them up last night I thought how bright and colorful this year's designs are.  I wonder how now next year's proposals will evolve.  Think I'll take a month off from designing then get started on them.