PEAR Update #1

I have not gotten as much stitching done the last few days as hoped but I did resolve a few design issues. I wanted to transition the different areas as smoothly as possible, and feel like it's coming along.
It shouldn't take long now to finish up this first section, draw the continuation lines onto the other two parts and begin stitching the second one. Now that the threads have mostly been chosen, I have been trying to estimate the remaining yardage needed for the rest...... so I placed an order yesterday for some not-so-readily-available threads..........Sassa Lynne. Otherwise, pretty soon I would be sitting here....waiting. I'm using three of her overdyed #5 Perles and I really like them.
The comments I have received have been very helpful.....thank you! When trying something knew it really helps to get confirmation you might be going in the "right" direction.
By the end of this next weekend I'll, hopefully, have a partial second part to show.
Wishing everyone a great long weekend!