Winner of Free Drawing Announced

I was working away on the design for the stitching retreat and had planned to have it finished by now. The best laid plans. But when I started working with the wire I thought to add, it just didn't look small of a gauge. So I thought I could just run out to Beverly's (my closest craft store) and pick up the perfect color in the right gauge! No such luck. Almost every color out of stock. Then, I drove on out to Joann's. Again no luck. Now it's rainy and windy and the next closest is Michael's, 15 miles further. So I went home and found what I needed on-line. Now to wait. Thank goodness the company just sent a shipping notice so hopefully I will receive my package and can finally complete Funky Rose.
I'm surely not the only person this happens to. Best laid plans aside...sometimes you just have to try it out on the actual piece to see if something will work. So, here is the "almost finished" piece. You can see where I added the purple wire in two places along the bottom a few transparent sequins and beads. Now as I look back at the previous update photos I see a huge change from the last posted update! Hopefully it will only be a few days before it's done. In the meantime I am beginning the last flower in the silk ribbon series....a Red Dahlia.