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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in Autumn Arrows (2)


Secret Garden and Kit Inventory

Well, it has been awhile, but I'm now catching up.  Here I have been worried about not feeling well all the time and come to find out I "just" needed some root canals.   So now I feel like stitching again and have finished up the 2nd small geometric design I created using Treenway silk threads.  Secret Garden is only 5" square and was fun to stitch. I used some interesting small new triangle beads in the design. They have the two holes on the top and I could use a heavier perle thread to attach them.  I like the finished look of the heavier thread!

The instruction book, marked canvas and thread kit will be available in about 30 days and I will post an update when they are ready.  If you think you are interested, please comment or otherwise send me a note so I will have some idea how many kits to make.  By the way, it is on 18 count canvas, and is the same size as Autumn Arrows.  

Also,  we have been trying to build up an inventory of complete kits (all threads, ribbons, beads, markers, etc. included).  Here is our current inventory as of 5/8/15:

2 Monet's Garden

4 Mediterranean Squares

4 Harlequin Hearts

1 Leaf Collage

1 Images of India

2 Wild Roses

2 Sahara

2 Safari

6 Whirlygig (ready in approx. 3 weeks)

If you see a design you like listed in Designs and Kits for Sale, and there is not thread kit listed above, please let me know of your interest.


New Kits Now Available

I am happy to announce we now have the Autumn Arrows kits ready to ship.  This is the first in a Mini Geometric Series (5 inches square), so it is a great portable design to travel with.  This design is stitched primarily with the new Treenway natural dyes series of threads, as will be the future designs in this series.  I have chosen to use Zen Shin, a silk perle #8, and Harmony, a silk 6-stranded floss.  Also included is a skein of a new Stef Francis handpainted silk perle #5 thread.  Here is the link to the Autumn Arrows page for more info.

We also have available a few thread kits available for Images of India and Whirlygig and Mediterranean Squares

AND, the first group of Safari thread kits is now gone, so we have more threads on order and the kits will be available in about 30 days.

We are trying to work up to having an inventory on hand of thread kits for all the "Designs and Kits for Sale".  So please keep checking the site. 

Enjoy your stitching,
