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Entries in embellishments and needlepoint (1)



I finished up Tropical Jazz last night.  The final touch was to the add the strip of assorted beads down on the left side.  In looking back at the sketch which has been posted on this site for several months, the final version turned out fairly close.  We took the photos this morning and then I worked with them a little in Photoshop Elements and printed out a photo on glossy paper.  The colors are very true, but it just couldn't capture all the texture and the bits of glitter from the small sequins on the braid and the glint off the resin beads touched up with the metallic and lacquer paints. 

I'll be taking it to the finished tomorrow.  My plan right now is to have it finished as something between a tote and a purse....maybe with a funky trim around the top edge.  Well, we'll see what the verdict is tomorrow.