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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in needlework teacher (1)


ANG Seminar

I'm afraid I didn't have time to get back to working on the Leaf Collage design as I had hoped.  Things just kept cropping up which needed to be done before I leave again. Now the time is almost here and I leave for the ANG Seminar on Thursday morning and won't return home until the evening of September 5th.  If you are attending I know you will have a great time.  Please stop by to say hello!

The week after I return home I will definitely be working on moving the design forward so I can begin stitching it.....and posting photos of any progress.

Wishing everyone a great few weeks.....and lots of stitching time.