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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in contemporary needlework (3)


Sahara Update

I have actually made more progress toward Sahara than it might appear! The right and left outside panels are almost complete.  You can see the underlying stitching and when they are complete the next step is some both cases this means couching.  Only four sections remain with no stitching.  But the threads are mostly chosen and only the bead choices are left.  I have found some more beads to choose from, so should be fun!  

Sahara needs to be finished by around June 1st to go to the finisher so I will have another update shortly.

Grandbaby Gabriel is doing well and we are enjoying him........a lot!

Happy Mother's Day!  



One framed and one pillow

Here is Color Kaleidoscope finished into a really cute pillow.  Marlene, of Marlene Custom Pillows, did a great job.  The fabric has an interesting weave to it and she custom dyed both the ball fringe and the corkscrew fringe to match. The overall dimensions of the pillow are 13" square.  It is a little hard to see all the beads, so look carefully. 

 And here is a picture of Leaf Collage now that it is framed.  The main outside mat is a medium gold and the inner mat is a dark red.  The two rows of darkest blue along the inside edge barely show. 

Both of these will be offered at the ANG seminar next year in San Antonio.  Hope to see you there!

Now back to finishing up kits for this year's seminar in Columbus.  The end of the summer has arrived!  Where did my summer go? Only 5 more days into September 1st.....and to me.....the beginning of fall.

Happy stitching.....


Leaf Collage Update, July 1st

I am slowly making progress on finishing Leaf Collage.  Three more collage elements are completed and I worked out tentative colors and threads for the remaining five collage elements along the left side.  We are over 30 threads as of today, so I am trying to choose from within this group for the balance of the stitching.

Something interesting happened though, while I was taking a break to draw a few Zentangle® designs......I kept thinking of patterns for Leaf Collage.  The upper right corner is one result:  "Boxes" that is what I will call it when I write the instruction book.  Also, you might find this hard to believe, but color seems to be finding its way into my Zentangle designs.  Thought you might like to see a few.  The color wash was created with Derwent Graphitint Pencils.

For my holiday weekend it is Leaf Collage stitching, Eclipse, Zentangles and BBQ for me!

Wishing you a great 4th of July weekend too!!  Terry