I've recently been sorting through my design file in seach of new project ideas, stitches, stitch combinations, interesting color color name it. I usually end up cutting out pictures/articles or thread or fabric samples and then stuff them in my accordion file. Then, every 6 months or so I look through and sort things out, trying to group them into something that makes sense to me. Over the last few years I have used bits of ideas here and there. Some are clippings of ideas I love but do not feel ready to execute. BUT, this year, after repeatedly going back to my sketches and clippings, I lept forward with a new project, Poppies, which includes "random stitching...within a framework". That since of accomplishment is great and gives me that extra push to keep stretching.
My suggestion to everyone is to keep an "idea file". You don't have to be a "designer" to keep one. If you see a color combination in a design magazine, save the page. Or, see an interesting combination of threads used for a stitch? Make a note of it on a scrap of paper and add it to your file. If you're like me you won't remember where to look later if you don't write it down. How about neat ideas you see for finishing ...make notes about them for later use. I would love to hear what types of things are in your "idea file".