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I'll keep you posted on up-to-the-minute happenings, talk about my approach to color, texture and design, organizing, interesting links, new books, and new threads and other mixed media materials. I'd love to hear your comments also.

Entries in River Silks Ribbon (5)


Buttonhole Stitch

Thanks for visiting!  I know it has been awhile.....again.  I have been posting infrequently at best.  During the last three weeks I've finished the Olivia Ostrich instruction book (shown in my most recent post).  Now I am in the middle of the Funky Rose instructions which will be a pilot class in March.  One of the features of this design is a large buttonhole stitch rose stitched with River Silks 7mm ribbon. 

In the process of writing the instructions I have been creating stitch diagrams and graphs and have been reviewing all that I have previously created using buttonhole stitches.  And there it very first "In Stitches" column in the May 2007 issue of Needle Pointers magazine. The sample I stitched for it has lots of examples of various used for buttonhole so I thought it might be fun to show them again here.   And here are the basic stitch diagrams for reference.  I hope you get some ideas you're able to use in your projects.  Buttonhole stitches add lots of texture as you can see. 

Have a great week!


Website - a New Look

The website has a new look to it and hopefully flows a little better.  On Monday SquareSpace introduced lots of new templates and a few features I had been waiting for.  So, even though I hadn't planned to make changes right now, I have spent a major part (and more) of my computer time this week, reorganizing the site.  Hope everyone likes it!  If anyone has any problems, questions, or comments, please let me know.  The point is to make it useful and hassle free for anyone visiting any part of the site. 

Now I'm back to making up kits for ANG Seminar in Indian Wells.  My first class is Sept. 6th but kits need to be mailed to the site by August 18th......three weeks. 

A week or two ago I talked about stitching on 18 count linen instead of 18 count canvas.  I stitched and finished a Tea Cozy and Tote Bag.  Above is a closeup of the Tea Cozy stitches.  The stitches are the same on the Tote Bag....just a different colorway.  I used Watercolours and Perle Cottons on both. 

I'm also stitching away on the Bargello/Needlepoint 13 count design.  It should be finished in two weeks or so, but I plan to post an in-progress photo next week. 

Finally, I am thrilled to announce I am currently the Featured Artist on the River Silks website.  Click here to visit.

Wishing everyone a great weekend!



We have been having cool weather here in San Francisco for the last several days.  Cool enough I have had the heater on up until about 2 in the afternoon.  When I say cool it gets down to about 50 at night and up to about 65 during the day.  Now, last week it was up to almost 90.  For us that is really hot and of course, and most homes here have no air conditioning....just offices and the bigger stores and restaurants.  It's definitely what you get used to.....I went to school in Houston and that's hot. 

Just a note I have finally completed the instruction book for Dahlia and the kit is now available.  It's the fourth (and final) design of the Silk Ribbon Flower this size.  1697936-1672802-thumbnail.jpgHopefully next year I can begin a new series as these were so much fun to design and stitch. 

I am always so happy to receive feedback from stitchers in my workshops with pictures of finished questions and/or comments about the design.  Lyn Y. of Canada just received her Winter Frost purse back from the finisher and plans to carry it a  wedding this summer.  Thank you Lyn for sending a photo which will find a permanent home in the Stitchers Gallery (coming soon).  Just beautiful stitchng!! 


Lately I have been staying up a little later than usual.  This seems to be the time for instruction books, both new ones and revisions for the new classes to be taught at seminar in September.  All the pilots have ended and feedback is coming in....about thread quantities, graph comments (for all sorts of issues), comments on the written portions, etc.  Now don't get me wrong....I really look forward to receiving the feedback.  Good instructions...more enjoyable classes for everyone!

scissors fob bright


  But anyway, I was checking my email one last time....about midnight....and McCall (our daughter and zoo keeper) sent pictures of the Scissors Fob and Needle Threader Set she had promised for the website.  Actually she sent two, but here is a picture of my favorite.  Just a soon as I have them actually in hand I'll be adding them.  Aren't they pretty?! 

Now I must go.  I've just started a new book.  Normally I just read in bed at night but today I must sneak in a little extra reading....Hit and Run by Lawrence Block.